domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Halloween's Pumkins

Hello boys and girls. You know Jack O' Lantern is the typical Halloween pumkin, but there are so many more Halloween pumkins. Today I going to show you some Jack O' Lantern pumkins and many more.

Pumkins on Galway (Ireland):

Pumkins used in the classroom this year:


martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Let's make a Halloween mask


Do you want to elaborate by yourself a funny Halloween mask. Follow these easy steps and get your beautiful Jack O' Lantern mask for Halloween.

1. We'll need orange card

2. We divide the orange card in different rectangles, taking the size of the half of a A4 sheet, more or less

3. We cut the orange card

4. We'll got a mask for each rectagle

5. We take one piece and fold it in half

6. We fold it again in a half

7. We cut in a corner

8. We unfold it and we can see it in that way

                                             9. We fold the top of this piece of  paper in this way

             10. And we make a cut in a triangle shape

 11. This is the cut we have made

  12. Now we unfold that part and we make a cut on the bottom on the card

 13. And we have to do a final cut

 14. And this is our final result. You can make two holes and add elastics

Level: From Childhood up to 2nd cycle of Primary School.

Students love mask and they like to wear them for Halloween. But there are differents ways to explain this activity. If you are going to work with students of Primary School you can tell them they are going to create a Halloween character mask. You need to have work with them the Halloween vocabulary before by, for example, showing pictures or flashcards about Halloween characters: Jack O' Lartern, witch, ghost, bat, etc. We are going to create a Jack O' Lantern mask but they don't know, so you can to motivate them by asking what is the Halloween character they are going to create because they only will find out at the end.

For Childhood children we are going to tell a story like this (you need to see the pictures to understand it):

There is a boy and girl that want to build a Halloween house. Firstabke they build a roof. But as they want to see the scenery they need also to create a window.
-Oh, It's a beautiful house with a beautiful window but how we come in?, say the girl.
-You are right, say the boy, we need to create a door. And they do a door.
- It's something missing, say the girl.
-The cat flap! Shouted the boy. And they built a cat flap. And finally they finished their Halloween house (and you show them the mask).

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Create a Jack O' Lantern

Your teacher has told you about Jack O' Lantern so  its would be fancy to create a Halloween Jack O' Lantern. Follow the following steps with the help of your student or your parents:

Level: 3rd and 4th of Primary School.

You are going to need pumkins and follow the easy steps on the pictures. It's obvious that children can't use knifes so ask them to desing the face with a black market and to empty the pumkin, but you can practice the vocabulary related with this activity : pumkin, knife, newspaper, etc.

Happy Halloween: Jack Lantern Story


It's Halloween time boys and girls and the most famous Halloween's character is Jack O'Lantern and this is his story:
  Jack Lantern Story

Jack, it seems, was a bad man. He kept all his money to himself. He wouldn't help people for all of his life.
When Jack died, he wasn't allowed into Heaven because he was such a miser: a person who wouldn't share his money.
It seems that Jack also had played tricks on the Devil, who wouldn't let him into hell, either.
Jack was stuck. He had to walk the earth, holding a lantern,until Judgment Day.

This is the story that has been handed down to us by the Irish people who came to America in the 1800s. They carved their turnips into the face of "Jack-of-the-lantern" to remind themselves what happened to people who were misers. And in the fall, pumpkins are much easier to find than turnips.
So that's why Americans today carve their pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns.

Jack O' Lantern

Level: 3rt and 4th of Primary School.


This is a brief story of Jack O'Lantern, you can read the story aloud and explain briefly the importance of Halloween in anglosaxon countries. As you know, it is very important the sociocultural competence and we teach not only English by also anglosaxon custom and traditions. You can print the text and give it to the students and made them read the text aloud. So they are practising the reading skill.


sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

How old are you?

Do you know how old are your friends? Lear the way to questions and the ways to answer to this funny question. Follow the instructions of your teacher at the time of working on these sheets.

Level: 4th of Primary School.

These sheets are for working the four skills but all about speaking and writing. You can say to a student I´m 10, How old are you? or point one student and say Ana is 9 years old, or she's 9. With these expressions they are practising the To Be present tense on an inductive way and they can fill the sheet practising in this way by writing what they have practiced in an oral way before.

I must say that not all the printables I edit on my blog are all mine but the most part of them, for example these sheets were taken in Internet but I add to my blog because I find them interesting to work with students the expressions about the age, all about the second one because the first one is so simple.

Colours (only for Third course of Primay School)


I know you know all the colours of the rainbown, but I also know that you sometimes mistake white for black, or green for grey. Maybe you know what colour is pink but you don't remeber what purple is. And the last question, can you write the name of the colours in english?. Practice and enjoy with this printable.

Level: Third course of Primay School.


In the first cycle of Primary school your pupils have review the different colours they studied on their childhood period, but some of them can't write in english the name of the different colours. This is a printable is aimed so to practice more the writing skill than the others.

How are you?, Fine thanks you, and you?

How are you? is a polite expression in order to speak someone you know or when someone introduces you someone else. If you want be polite also, one of the most typical answers is Fine thank you, and you?. Practice on class with your classroom mates or your friends.

Level: From Childhood to 2nd cycle of Primary Shool.

This printable is another easy work on ways of introduction.  You can develop on class the for skills:  listening because they hear you to pronunce the sentence, speaking beacuse they repeat the expression, writing if you ask them to do it in a white sheet or in the same sheet, and reading if they read aloud the expression or by themselves. You can work, all about, with intonation beacuse as you know children don't usually make intonation in questions. 

As I explained in the last blog entry this printable could be used on lowers levels such as 1st cycle of Primary and even in childhood level but I want to use these printables in order to review the English they have studied in the last academic years. As this is a blog dedicated to pupils of 2nd cycle of Primary school, if you follow my blog you can check I going to use printables in accordance with this level's age.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Hello, my name is... What's your name?

Maybe you know all your classmates and teachers but maybe not. But this is a good way to star speaking English. Read the speech bubbles and then fill in the gap.

Level: From Childhood to 2nd cycle of Primary School.

We star this school year with simple activities. Some sheets, in the begining,  could seen to simple to the studends because they have to colour but we are on the begining of the year and they are students of the 3rd and 4th course.  I need to remember they have to speak, listen, read and write so with this first sheet they can star to read and write but you need to encorage them to repeat the sentences loudly before read and write them.

Welcome to Kid's Claddagh Corner

En Español, (solo esta vez):

Hola chicos y chicas. Me llamo Alberto Fernández y quiero daros la bienvenida a vuestro sitio web. Soy profesor de inglés de 3º y 4º de Primaria.

El porqué del nombre de este blog  es simple, amo Irlanda pero sobre todo una ciudad en el Oeste llamada Galway. Claddagh es una zona del centro de Galway. El anillo Claddagh, como el que ves en la foto de arriba, es un famoso e internacional símbolo muy popular entre los irlandeses. El diseño tradicional del anillo consiste en dos manos unidas sujetando un corazón con corona que simboliza amor, amistad y fidelidad.

El proposito de este blog es publicar las fichas que daré semanalmente a mis alumnos para que, si eres estudiante de inglés, puedas descargártelas y trabajar con ellas en clase o en casa. Puedes compartirlas también con tus amigos o compañeros de clase.

Este blog se escribirá en inglés y solo en inglés, solo voy a usar el español solo esta vez para explicar su contenido y uso, pero de aquí en adelante si no entiendes algo en alguna ficha, te ruego que hagas un esfuerzo e intentes averiguarlo leyendo toda la ficha. Si después de todo sigues teniendo dudas, pregúntale a tu profesor o profesora. Estoy seguro que él o ella estarán encantados en ayudarte :)

Puedes comentar las diferentes publicaciones de este blog pero te ruego que lo hagas en inglés. No te preocupes si piensas que te vas a equivocar,  todo el mundo se equivoca, incluso los profesores. Lo único que necesitas saber es que aprenderás practicando ingles y nadie se reira de ti ;)

Para bajar las fichas, haz click en las imagenes y se te abrira otra pagina, a continuación pincha sobre la imagen con el botón derecho y salvala. Imprimela si quieres y trabaja con ella.  
Disfruta del blog y del inglés :)

*Nota para los maestros:

Si te gusta este blog o lo visitas a menudo, podrías ayudarme, si quieres, tus opiniones o ideas de como mejorar el blog, estoy abierto a sugerencias :) 

Si tienes algún problema para bajar con las fichas  o necesitas  más información mandame un mail  a

In English:
Hello boys and girls. My name is Alberto Fernández and I want welcome you to your website. I´m an English teacher of 3rd and 4th course of Primary School. 

The name of this blog is simple, I´m in love of Ireland but all above a citty call Galway at West .Claddagh is an area next to the centre of Galway. The Claddagh ring, you can see one on the picture above, is an international a famous symbol very popular among the irish people. This traditional design consists of two clasped hands holding a crowned heart, and symbolizes love, friendship and loyalty.

The purpose of this blog is to publish the sheets I hand out my students everyweek, so if you are an english student of this lever you can download them and work in your class or at home. You can share them with your friends or class mates also.

This blog will be written in English and only English, I´m only going to use the Spanish only this time to translate this first text to explain its contain and use, but from here onwands if you don't understand anything, please make and efford and try to guess reading the whole sheet. If after that you have still doubts ask your teacher. I´m sure he or she will be delighted in helping you :)

You can comment the different blog publications but do it in English please. Don´t worry if you think you are going to make some  mistakes, everybody can make mistakes, even your teachers. The only you need to know is you'll learn if you practice English and nobody will get laugh at you ;)

To download the sheets, you have to make a click on them and after that they will appear in a new tag. Righ click to save the picture and you can print later and work on it. 

Enjoy this blog and enjoy English :)

*Note for teachers:
If you like this blog  or you visit it often you could help me, if you want, by send me your opinions or ideas to improve my blog, I am open to new suggestions :)

If you have any problem on downloading any sheet, or need more  information please send me an e-mail to: